Saturday, January 27th | 9am - 12:30pm | Westside High School
14201 Briar Forest Dr. Houston, TX 77077
Hey Houston!
We see you making plans for your future. Working hard to set yourself up for success in college and your eventual career. That’s why Nerdy Girl Success® created this event. Everything you want to know about careers and preparing for your future is right here! Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING but pretty darn close. Just check out the agenda below.
9:00am - 9:30am | Check-in
9:00am - 11:00am | Career Fair
Visit with leaders across all industries. This is your time to learn about everything from the career you’re interested in from a woman who is actually in that field to discovering careers you never knew about or considered. Here are some of the careers and industries that will be there:
- Pharmaceutical
- Tech
- Photography
- Marketing
- Health care
- Sales
- And many more!
9:50am - 11:15am | Workshops
- Preparing for an Interview – We’ll cover everything from what kinds of questions to expect and how to answer them to how to dress (this can change depending on the industry) to how to follow up afterwards. Be sure that you make a great and lasting impression!
- Creating Great Habits – You’re being pulled in all sorts of directions and trying to manage it all. Make sure you get good grades, being active in extra curricular activities, having a social life, making time for family, Self care – It can all be overwhelming. Learn ways to balance everything through daily habits that set you up for success!
- No Cap AI: Real AI Tools & Tips For Success – AI has exploded over the last year or so. Chat GPT reached one million users in just five days – faster than Instagram, TikTok and Netflix. Discover new AI-driven tools, tips & secret hacks to expand your skillset and career options.
11:20am - 12:20pm | Panel Discussion
Our panelists will be sharing their journeys from how they started just like you to where they are now. Learn their insights and strategies for success no matter what field you enter.
12:20pm - 12:30pm | Wrap-up & Prizes
Learn about other opportunities to get involved with Nerdy Girl Success® and how we support the young women in our programs. Raffle drawings!
Watch this video to see what you can expect at our event. See! We’re covering a ton of the things that you want to know about. How do we know? Because we’ve gotten input from young women just like you who are a part of our organization.
Thank you to our Sponsor!
“I really appreciated this experience because it helped me feel more comfortable with not knowing what I want to do. It also gave me lots of exposure to interesting career options that I didn’t even know existed. “
~ Alexa (student attendee)
“From this experience, I was able to learn more about how to network and be comfortable doing it. I was also able to understand the ins and outs of different careers, many of which I had no prior knowledge about.”
~ Anaya (Student Attendee)