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Nickea Bradley

Nickea Bradley

Senior Director/Adjunct Professor

As an emergency manager by day, Nickea Bradley spends her evenings volunteering,
binge watching her favorite shows, and believe it or not talking on the phone! Nickea has seen all 50 states and loves telling others about the best places to visit. While her job can be high intensity, it is an important role that she plays at her company. Every day Nickea gets to keep those who ride the Metro safe through risk assessments and mitigations. She also has experience with Hurricanes, Winter Storms, and flooding. Through each of these experiences, Nickea is able to help build content so that she may teach Humanitarian Logistics to graduate students every summer!

Fun Facts

Alma Mater: Morris Brown College (HBCU) and Georgetown University
Degrees: B.A. Finance, MBA Accounting, Masters Emergency and Disaster Management
Hobbies: I enjoy Gymnastics and Track! Mentoring others. Attending Career Day fairs to discuss my job and various other passions of mine, with students. And I love “Bring your Child to Work” day!
Location: Columbia, MD

Ask Me

What jobs did you like the most and why?

Job Shadow

Yes – in person or virtually

Things I Can Help With

  • Resume writing
  • Completing job applications
  • Confidence building exercises
  • Interview prep (college, internship or work)

Let's Chat!

If you’d like to set up a virtual chat with Nickea, please complete the form below.