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The Podcast ~ S1 E7 ‘More than just a hashtag’

“My prediction, which I hate and which I’m sorry for, is that the #MeToo backlash will be far more powerful than the #MeToo movement.” ~ Jaron Lanier

The #MeToo movement has brought many men into the light for their actions and holding them accountable. Following that campaign is the #TimesUp movement with Hollywood celebrities wearing their black gowns to the awards ceremonies.

These movements have brought a lot of awareness to the daily sexual harrassment that many women face. But is it enough? Is this just a phase? Will the public get hashtag fatigue and move on to something else? Or is real change on the horizon?


Listen in to hear what our panel and viewers had to say on the subject.


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On this episode:

Alicia Elatassi (Thinking Boutique)

Brandie Seifert (Hollywood Hippie Cosmetics)

Christina Meade (Nerdy Girl Success™)

Nancy Sabino (SabinoCompTech)

Leslie Richardson (Jetsetters Cruise Planners)



Link to Talkshow episode to see full viewer comments


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Resources shared during the episode



Podcast music provided by BenSounds.com

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